

huangp1489 09-30 16
提高面试的工作技巧英文,提高面试的工作技巧英文翻译摘要: 在一场面试前我会做那些准备英语作文?在一场面试前我会做那些准备英语作文?When we received the notice or the employer's willingn...
  1. 在一场面试前我会做那些准备英语作文?


When we received the notice or the employer's willingness to interview to interview, to prove our work is not far away. So, this time we h***e to prepare before the interview, and how is it?

1, material preparation. They include: CV, cover letter, referral information, questions and answers prior forecast, and ***ly for a job related to prove the relationship, but also with a pen.

2, the mental preparation. Before the interview do not give yourself too much pressure, sometimes too much pressure is not necessarily a good thing. ***ropriate to relax, change their attitude, confident that you believe in yourself, then there is no reason not to believe the interviewer How about you?


3, study preparation. Not only to study yourself, study the interviewer.

4, issue ready. Before your interview, you must predict the problem, then prepare. Usually if some of your personal information, and your values, and you are ***lying addition is job-related knowledge and skills of a professional ***rais


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